Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Easiest Way to Share Wedding Photos

I saw this article on this morning and I wanted to share it with all of you! You know if it's on CNN it's legit... :)

"Lots of things go into putting together the perfect wedding: the dress, the food and the photographer are three of the biggest. While a wedding photographer will shoot your big day, photos taken by friends or family of the wedding and other key moments - cake tastings, dress fittings and the morning-of trip to the hairdresser - can end up cluttering your computer's hard drive and never seeing the light of day.

All of those candid shots from friends and family can be just as wonderful as the professional photographer shots. Why not display them in a photo book made by you? Not only is it affordable and easy to do, it's also a great way to pull those memories together in a book you can share, show off, and treasure for years to come.

The trend of making your own wedding books, engagement photo books and guest registers has grown exponentially over the past several years. According to a recent survey, more than 70 percent of brides are opting to make their own wedding albums. Making your own book not only saves money, it also gives you complete creative control and an opportunity to show and share your own vision of that special day.

There are a number of services that enable you to make your own book and Blurb is one of them. Registering at is free and once you do you'll have all the tools you need to make a beautiful photo book that you can share, show off and treasure for years..."

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